How to Find Invoice Number Range in a Cycle Batch Using SQL

This process will go through the steps to find the invoice number range in a specific cycle batch that has be completed.  The steps where completed in SedonaOffice version


When trying to find an invoice that was posted in a specific cycle batch the steps below will help in that process.


1.Click on Accounts Receivable – Cycle Invoicing

2.Once the window opens, click on Show Posted Cycles

3.Look at the cycle batch(es) that the invoices may be located and notate the Cycle numbers.  In our example:  428, 429, 430

4.Click on SQL to open the SQL Query Window

5.Type in the following SQL Command

Select * form AR_Cycle where Cycle_ID in (429,429,430)  -- Enter or click on Green Arrow

6.The Results will fill in the bottom of the window.  These will show the First – Last invoices numbers and the Post Count of each batch queried