Material Handlers are defined as the individuals in your company who create Purchase Orders and/or receive parts into a warehouse from a Purchase Order or Repair Order.
If Material Handler Security is activated (Inventory Setup / Use Material Handler Security), only Employees that are designated as Material Handlers will be able to view existing Purchase Orders from the Purchase Order List within the Accounts Payable module.
This setup form is divided into two tiers. The upper tier displays a list of all employees in the Employee setup table. The lower tier displays a list of all warehouses setup in the Warehouse setup table. To define which employees will be considered a Material Handler, highlight the employee in the upper tier, select the Material Handler checkbox, then in the lower tier, check the box to the left of each warehouse that employee may have access.
If the employee will have access to all warehouses, click the Select All button. Click the Apply button to save each Material Handler record. Once saved, the Material Handler column will display the value of Y.