This article will walk through the step by step creation of a simple report query, the printing of the query results and saving the report query design to a file. The end result of this sample report will be a list containing all A/P Bills entered for a particular Vendor during a specific accounting month. The primary sort for the report will be on the zip code field with a secondary sort on the city field.
1. Navigate to the General Ledger module from the Main Application Menu and select the GL Query Builder option.
2. The GL Query Builder Design form will be displayed. Expand the tree of the Register Data Group by clicking the “+” to the left of the Data Group or double-click on the Data Group name.
3. Drag and drop into the Fields to Display section or double-click on the following field names from the Register Data Group: Register_Date and Register_Amount.
Next drag and drop into the Fields to Display section or double-click on the following field names from the Account Data Group: Account_Code and Account_Description.
Next drag and drop into the Fields to Display section or double-click on the following field names from the Reference Data Group: Vendor_Code and Register_Reference. The Register Reference will contain the Vendor Bill Number.
Next Filters will be added to the report query design; this example will use five filters.
4. For the first filter, drag and drop the Register_Type_Code field from the Register Data Group into the Filter area. The Relation field will default to “=”; do not change this selection. In the Criteria column select BILL from the drop-down list then press the tab key on the keyboard.
For the second filter, drag and drop the Register_Date field from the Register Data Group into the Filter area. Again the Relation field will default to “=”; change this selection to >. In the Criteria column type in 07/31/2009 then press the tab key on the keyboard.
For the third filter, drag and drop the Register_Date field from the Register Data Group into the Filter area. Again the Relation field will default to “=”; change this selection to <. In the Criteria column type in 09/01/2009 then press the tab key on the keyboard.
For the fourth filter, drag and drop the Vendor_Code field from the Reference Data Group into the Filter area. Again the Relation field will default to “=”; do not change this selection. In the Criteria column select ADI from the drop-down list then press the tab key on the keyboard. If ADI is not one of your Vendors, select a vendor_code that will probably have a high level of activity.
For the fifth filter, drag and drop the Account_Code field from the Account Data Group into the Filter area. Again the Relation field will default to “=”; do not change this selection. In the Criteria column select your company's Accounts Payable account number (typically 20000) from the drop-down list then press the tab key on the keyboard.
Next Sorting will be added to the report query design; this example will use one sort field.
5. Drag and drop the Register_Date field from the Register Data Group into the Sorting area.
6. The report query design is now complete. Next click the Refresh button to return the requested data rows.
7. When a report query is printed, the column titles for each selected field will display and print the exact field name that was selected from the Data Groups. The User has the option of changing the field title names to be more presentable on a printed report.
To change a field name column header, in the Report Query Results area, double-click on the column title to be changed. An edit box will be displayed where the User will type in the words that will be displayed for the selected data field column. Click enter or the OK button to save. Any modifications made to column titles will be saved with the Report Query Design file.
8. Once you are satisfied with the Report Query Design, click the Save function button to save the Report Query for future use.
9. If the Report is to be printed to paper or printed to a file, click the Preview function button.
10. If the Report data is to be exported to a .csv file, click the Export function button.