General Ledger


Accounting Periods
Accounting periods are used in SedonaOffice to track your Accounts within a specific period of time.  By using Accounting Periods your company may generate reports based on consistent periods from both within a fiscal year and period vs. period for ...
Close Fiscal Year
Each individual company according to their own business procedures establishes year end closing procedures.  Typically, a company will create a monthly accounting calendar, which sets the dates for each department to have completed all transactions ...
General Ledger Overview
SedonaOffice is a complete financial application, from billing to financial statements.  As a single software program, all the modules within the application are designed so all the financial transactions are immediately posted to the general ledger...
Register Number Lookup
All financial transactions created record to the GL Register table.  Each transaction saved to this table contains a unique Register Number.  The Register Number Lookup option with the General Ledger module, is used to view the entire Journal Entry ...
How To Add A Service Ticket Number under the Job Costing Section of a Journal Entry
General Ledger Under the General Ledger Module select “Journal Entry.” Entry the Primary Account from the Drop-Down Menu. Enter the Amount under Debit/Credit Enter a Memo if needed. Select a Category if required.  Und...