Chart of Accounts


Chart of Accounts Overview and Topics
The Chart of Accounts is the core of the SedonaOffice application;  all financial transactions saved contain at least two G/L Account Numbers from the Chart of Accounts list.  For the most basic transaction one G/L Account is used for the debit and ...
Add a New GL Account
To setup a new G/L Account, follow the instructions below. 1.  Navigate to the General Ledger module from the Main Application Menu and select the Chart of Accounts option. 2.  The Chart of Accounts list will be displayed.  Click the New button loca...
Delete a GL Account
G/L Accounts may be deleted only if there has never been any activity in the account.  If your company has closed at least one Fiscal Accounting Year, and there was no activity in the account at the time of the close, the account will not be availab...
Edit a GL Account
G/L Account information may be edited at any time; the only limitation is the User may not change the account type from a Balance Sheet Type account to an Income Statement Type account and vice versa.  The User may change the Account Number as long ...
Inactivate a GL Account
Accounts that will no longer be used may be retired by setting the G/L Account to Inactive.  All historical transactions posted to an account that has been inactivated will remain in the database, however this account will no longer be available for...
Reactivate a GL Account
Accounts  that were previously marked as inactive may be reactivated.  All historical transactions posted to an account that was previously made inactivate will remain in the database.   To Reactivate a G/L Account, follow the instructions below. ...