Using the Comdata Interface

Now that you have the credentials entered into the Comdata Setup and your vendors configured for use with Comdata, you are ready to begin making electronic payments. The payment process is divided into three segments: Upload, Reconcile and Post.

Uploading Bills for Payment

Open the Comdata Integration window (either restore the window if it is minimized or follow the process outlined in “Running Comdata Integration for the First Time”).

At the top you are presented with options for Branch, Vendor, Due Date and a button for “Get Invoices”. In the middle are tabs for “Upload”, “Pending”, “Reconciled”, “Void” and “Failed”. Finally, near the bottom there is a button for “Upload Invoices”. The white space in the center is where the invoice queue will display.

The options for Branch, Vendor and Due Date allow the user to filter the invoices in the queue by those selections. For Branch and Vendor, click the drop down arrow and then check/uncheck the specific items desired. If you want to select/deselect “All”, click the box at the top of the listing. Note: the default for Branch selection is “ALL”, so you need not enter into this box unless you want to filter branches from the listing.

The “As of Due Date” will restrict invoices to those that have a due date equal or less than the date selected. You can manually input the date or click the drop down arrow and select from a calendar.

Once you have these three items set to the desired values, click the box for “Get Invoices”.  All of the invoices that match the criteria will display.

At this point you need to determine which invoices will be uploaded for payment. If you need to change the Branch section, Vendor section and/or Due Date selected you will need to click “Get Invoices” again.

Selecting Bills

The check boxes on the left side indicate if an invoice will be uploaded or not - checked indicates upload while unchecked indicates skip. You can check/uncheck the boxes singly or check/uncheck the very top box to affect “All”. You can sort the columns by clicking the column name and you can filter the columns by entering values into the empty space directly below the column name. Specific functionality of the columns will be covered at a later date.

Once you have checked all of the invoices you want to upload, click the “Upload Invoices” button. You should receive an acknowledgement indicating the number of invoices uploaded and success. If you receive a failure message, consult the section on “Failed Invoice Upload”. You will receive a confirmation email from Comdata indicating receipt of the requests and that the virtual cards are created.

Once invoices have been uploaded, you will need to wait for the associated vendor to use the virtual payment card so that you can reconcile the invoice payment.

Reconciling Virtual Card Payments

Now that you have uploaded invoices for payment, click the tab titled “Pending”.

This screen displays the list of invoices that have been uploaded to Comdata for payment, but have not received acknowledgment that the vendor used the associated virtual card. Click the “Check Status” button. The application contacts Comdata and receives the status of the payments listed.

You should perform this process, as convenient, throughout the day. There is no expectation of how long a specific vendor would take to receive the virtual card information and then use that card.  

If there has been no activity, the invoice remains in this section. If the virtual card has been used, the item will disappear from this section and move to the “Reconciled” section for posting. 

Posting Payments to SedonaOffice

Click on the tab labeled “Reconciled”.

This section contains all of the invoices associated to a virtual card that has been used by the vendor. The final step of the process is Post.

Posting loads the item to SedonaOffice so that the payment is reflected on the invoice and the balance due for the vendor reduced. Select the invoices you want to post, enter a Posting Date and then click the Post button.

The application will create an AP check for each virtual card indicating the amount of the virtual card and the invoices paid by that card. You can review this information from within SedonaOffice by accessing the related vendor and selecting the Payments section. You can also review all of the transactions for a vendor by editing the vendor and clicking the Comdata tab.