Jobs are created for Prospects by "resolving" an Opportunity for the Prospect.
If the Prospect is an existing Customer, do not use this Job creation method. In the SedonaOffice Sales Management module, resolve the Opportunity, inactivate the Prospect/Opportunity, then use the Manual Job creation method to create the Job from the Customer Explorer.
Follow the steps listed below and on the following pages to create a new Customer, Site and Job.
1. Navigate to the Sales Management module/Prospects and open the Prospect record that will be converted into a new Customer and Job.
2. Click the Opportunities button on the Prospect toolbar.
3. In the upper tier of the Opportunities list, click once on the Opportunity that was sold then click the Resolve button located at the lower left of the form.
Resolve the Opportunity
4. The Opportunity Resolution form will be displayed.
- Select Resolution Code from the drop-down list
- Enter the Resolution Date (the date the sale was closed)
- Select the Competition from the drop-down list (optional)
- Select all four checkboxes; Close Opportunity, Inactivate Prospect, Create Customer, Create Job
Once all information is filled in, click the Save button located at the lower right of the form.
5. The New Customer Setup form will be displayed on the Customer Information data entry form. The name and address information automatically filled into this form was pulled from the information on the Prospect form. This is the customer Billing name and address information. If this information is not the correct billing information you may modify any of the information. Fill out this form according to your company policy and procedures. When finished, click the Site Setup tab.
6. The Site Setup form will be displayed. The name and address information automatically filled into this form was pulled from the information on the Prospect Opportunity form. If this information is not the correct site information you may modify any of the information. Fill out this form according to your company policy and procedures.
If the Custom Fields tab(farthest tab to the right of Site Setup) is not dimmed out, this indicates your company is using some or all of the data entry fields on this form.
When finished with the Site Setup, click on the Custom Fields tab and fill out this form according to your company policy and procedures.
When finished, click the Save button. You will receive a message confirming you want to save this new Customer, click the Yes button to proceed.
7. The Work Order Entry form will be displayed. This is the first data entry form for the new Job. Most of the information on this form will automatically be filled in from the Customer and Site information. Fill out this form according to your company policy and procedures.
Four fields on this form are required to be able to save and advance to the second Job setup form; Job Type, Install Company, Salesperson and Sold Date.
When finished filling out this form, click the Apply button located at the lower right to save and advance to the Job System form.
8. The Job System form will be displayed. If your company may need to create a Service Ticket for the system being installed while the Job is in progress, it would not be possible until the Job is closed. Since Service Tickets are linked to a System record, to be able to create a Service Ticket for this system you would need to setup the System information on the Customer Explorer record first; this method is highly recommended.
At this point, click the Apply button on the System form. You will then open the Customer Explorer record for the new Customer, setup the System information then return to the Job System form and import that information into the Job System form.