SedonaSchedule - Calendar/Detail Viewer

The Calendar/Detail Viewer is a multi-purpose tool and contains two main elements; the Calendar and the Detail Viewer.  Below,  the  designed functionalities will be listed.
The Calendar

  • Select the date, date range or non-consecutive dates to display within the Schedule Board
  • Select the date, date range or non-consecutive dates to determine which Tickets will be displayed in the Ticket Queue when selecting to view Closed Tickets
  • Select the date or date range to determine which records are displayed when using the Removed Parts function
  • Select the date or date range to determine which records are displayed when using the Miscellaneous Appointments function.

The Detail Viewer

The Detail Viewer is comprised of two tabs; the Detail tab and the Unscheduled tab.  Each tab will be explained below.
Below are the designed functionalities for the Detail viewer.

Detail Tab

  • The ability to view summary information related to Technician Appointments
  • Live Dispatch a Technician Appointment
  • Change the Ticket Appointment time for the same day/same Technician
  • Change the Ticket Appointment Technician and time on the same day
  • Manually Enter Technician Dispatch Times
  • View Ticket & Job Notes
  • View a Map of the Site for the Ticket or Job
  • Email Ticket information to a Technician

Unscheduled Tab

The Unscheduled tab provides a list of all open Tickets without an Appointment.  There are three checkboxes located at the top of the list; Services, Inspections and Vendors.  When first accessing this tab, Services is checked by default; these are regular Service Tickets that are listed.  When checking the Inspections checkbox only, just Inspections Tickets will be listed.  When checking Vendors only, Vendor Service Tickets and Vendor Inspection Tickets will be listed.  You may select one or many checkboxes to display the desired list of unscheduled Tickets.
You may re-sort the Unscheduled List by clicking on any of the column titles in the header row of the list.
Drag & Drop Scheduling
Tickets appearing in the Unscheduled List may be highlighted and dragged onto the Schedule Board for quick scheduling.  Once the Ticket is dropped onto the Schedule Board, it will no longer appear in the Unscheduled List.