Using EFT Processing


Processing EFTs for Non-Recurring Invoices
Invoices for jobs, tickets and miscellaneous invoices may be sent to Forte using the Auto Process Non-Recurring Invoices program.  If a customer credit card or customer bank setup was flagged for Non-Recurring Payments, you are able to process a p...
Previously Funded Transactions
During the nightly settlement process, if a transaction is reversed/unfunded the application will: Create a Negative Payment Batch for the reversal transaction automatically. Move the transaction to the Previously Funded tab in EFT Processing. ...
Settlement Process
SedonaOffice will begin the Settlement process each night at 11:30 pm (local time).  Each transaction that has settled with Forte, will move from the Approved tab to the Settled tab. Credit card transactions will settle within 24-48 hours. Credit c...
Handling EFT Disputes
Consumers can dispute an EFT charge for one of the following reasons: Unauthorized purchases arising from fraud Billing errors Quality issues with goods or service Each day Visa, MasterCard, and Discover issuers submit a disputes file to Fo...
Reconciling Payment Batches for the Day
At the end of each day, the amount for both credit card and bank account deposits should be reconciled with the activity performed during the day. This will be the sum of all transactions found under the Approved and Refunded tabs. This should recon...
Depositing the Settled Funds
Users will be able to deposit payment batches into their bank accounts within SedonaOffice once all items in the deposit have settled. If the funds have not settled, the user will see the message:  Users may check Forte’s Dex system...