Job Management Setup


Commission Types
The Commission Type setup table is used to define labels for commissions that are paid to a salesperson.  Each commission type code is identified as being one of six types: Recurring Non-Recurring Estimated Profit Estimated to Gross Profit Gr...
Install Company
The Install Company is a required field on the Work Order data entry form of each Job and is used in Job Costing and reporting.   If different settings & G/L accounts are needed at the Job Type level, Job Type settings will override the Install Comp...
An Installer record is created for each employee your company will be scheduling to perform labor on a Job.  Installers may be setup as just an Installer type or both a Service Technician and Installer, if the individual could possibly be scheduled ...
Job Approval Groups
Job Approval Groups are used to create a list of “approvers” of a job.  Job Approval Groups are linked to the Job Type setup.  If the Approval Processing functionality has been activated on the JM Setup Processing form and a list of Approval Groups ...
Job Expense Type
Job Expense Types are used to categorize miscellaneous expenses which are not related to inventory part purchases.  A Job Expense Type is selected when creating a Purchase Order for an Expense Item, and when entering Accounts Payable Bills for Expe...
Job Management Setup Processing
The JM Setup Processing contains three tabs of setup information, each of which is described below. The Job Management Setup Processing form contains defaults that are used by the application when creating Install Company records and posting costs ...
Job Phases
Job Phases was designed primarily as a tool for Job resource planning; Labor and Materials.  Job Phases are also used to determine which billable charges may be invoiced and when.    When creating a new Job, Phases are assigned to individual parts o...
Job Status
Job Statuses are used to track the progress of Jobs.  When a new Job is created, the system will automatically set the Job Status to the status associated with the first Task listed on the Job Task list.  As job tasks are approved, the Job Status wi...
Job Type
The Job Type setup has many options which allow your company to setup your jobs in a fashion to help reduce data entry errors and to expedite the job data entry process.  The Job Type setup is divided into eight possible setup forms.  Several of th...
Labor Tasks
Labor tasks describe the type of work the Installer has performed.   When entering Job Timesheets, a Labor Task may be selected by the User.  When Scheduling a Job Appointment from SedonaSchedule, the Labor Task is a selectable field but is not req...
Prevailing Wage
The Prevailing Wage setup table is used for tracking and calculating direct labor expenses at a rate that may be different than the normal rate used for the Installer.  Some government jobs require the installing company to comply with specific pay ...
Project Manager
When creating a Job, the Project Manager field on the Work Order form is optional.  The Project Manager is used for grouping on several Job Costing reports, and is an available filter on the Job Queue.  If your company does not have actual Project ...
When creating a new Job, the Salesperson is a required field on the Job Work Order form.  When commissions are entered on a Job, the commission rate structure set up on the Employee record of the Salesperson is used to calculate commission amounts ...