Job Management


Job Management Reports Listing
Below is a listing of all Job Management Reports currently available.  Follow the Report Name link below for a definition of the report.  Commission Due - 100% Paid*  Commission Due - 50/50* ...
Commission Due - 100% Paid
This is a custom report designed by a particular SedonaOffice customer and was built to their specifications.   This report is self-explanatory by the title of the report; once all Job invoices have been 100% paid, and the Job has been closed...
Commission Due - 50/50
The Commission Due 50/50 Report is designed to print a listing of commissions due to Salespersons on Jobs as of a particular date. This report works in conjunction with Payroll Timesheet batches posted.  As commissions are paid for a Job through pay...
Commission Due - Invoiced
The layout of this new report is similar to the Commission Due 50/50* Report.  This report is designed to calculate commissions due based upon Job Invoiced amounts and the percentage of the Job that has been invoiced as of a particular date.  If the...
Commission Due
The Commission Due Report is designed to print a listing of commissions due to Salespersons on Jobs as of a particular date.  This report works in conjunction with Payroll Timesheet batches posted.  As commissions are paid for a Job through payroll ...
Commission Report
The Commission Report* is designed to print a listing of commissions due to Salespersons for Jobs where Job  Approvals were signed off in a particular Accounting Period range or a specific Date range.   This report only  provides data fo...
Custom Job Label
The Custom Job Label is designed to print a label for use in labeling kitted parts for jobs to better identify parts staged for installation. The information is designed to fit on a 2 1/8” x 4” label stock designed for pin-fed dot matrix printers. O...
Estimated vs Actual by Salesperson
The Estimated vs Actual by Salesperson Report is designed to print a listing of the estimated and actual costs for each Job within a specified Sold Date range.  This report searches on the Sold Date field entered on the Job Work Order form. The cost...
Job Commissions
The Job Commissions Report is designed to print a listing of commissions entered on Jobs based on the Sold Date of the Job.     Each Job within the Sold Date range selected will print the Salesperson, Site name and address, Job Type, Sold Date, the ...
Job Cost Summary (JC02)
The Job Cost Summary (JC02) Report is designed to print a listing of Jobs displaying the Estimated amounts, Actual amounts and amounts in WIP (work in process accounts), the profit margin and variances for the estimated vs the actual amounts.  A gra...
Job Cost Summary (JC03)
The Job Cost Summary (JC03) Report is similar to the Job Cost Summary (JC02)* Report; this report was designed to be used by only SedonaOffice customers using the Customer Group Security option.  If your company is not using Customer G...
Job Cost Summary (JC04)
This is a custom designed report for a specific SedonaOffice customer.  This report is designed to display the Estimated vs. Actual amounts for Jobs expenses broken down into three expense elements; Materials, Labor, and Other charges.   The totals ...
Job Cost Summary (JC05) WIP
This is a custom report designed for a particular SedonaOffice customer.  This report is a of the standard Job Cost Summary report.   This report shows amounts in work-in-process (WIP)accounts and the estimated amounts, broken down by four elements:...
Job Cost Summary (JC05)
This is a custom report designed for a particular SedonaOffice customer.  This report is located in the Job Management Reports group.   This report is a new variation of the standard Job Cost Summary report.   Report Options: General ...
Job Cost Summary (Transactions)
The Job Cost Summary (Transactions) Report prints Jobs where any G/L activity has occurred during the Accounting Period range or Date range selected for the report.  The layout of this report is the same as the Job Cost Summary (JC02)* report. ...
Job Cost Summary
The Job Cost Summary Report is designed to print a listing of Jobs displaying the Estimated amounts, Actual amounts and amounts in WIP (work in process accounts) and the profit margin.  A grand total will be printed at the end of the report for all ...
Job Listing
The Job Listing Report is designed to print a listing of Jobs displaying the Customer and Site Names and addresses, System information, Job Charges with amounts invoiced, Salesperson, Installer and Start and End dates of the Job. This report is gen...
Job Open Billing
The Job Open Billing Report is designed to print a listing of Jobs displaying charges for the Job, the the amounts invoiced, and the amounts remaining to be invoiced broken down into three columns; Install Charges, Part Charges and RMR Charges. Thi...
Jobs Over/Under Invoiced
This report is used to evaluate Jobs in process to determine whether journal entries need to be made to record revenue for Jobs that have been over or under billed.   This report only works where Work in Process is not being used. This report loo...
Job Profit/Loss
The Job Profit/Loss Report is designed to print a listing of Jobs displaying the total Install charges, the total costs for each Job broken down by Parts, Labor, Overhead, Commissions and Other costs, and the amount of profit or loss for the Job. Th...
Jobs Sold
The Jobs Sold Report is designed to print a listing of Jobs displaying the Estimated amounts, Actual amounts and amounts in WIP (work in process accounts), the profit margin and variances for the estimated vs the actual amounts.  A grand total will ...
Jobs Sold Summary
The Jobs Sold Summary Report will print totals broken out into the following columns: ·  Install Charges plus and Part Charges          ·     RMR Amount          ·      RAR Amount (RMR x 12) This report may be generated using one...
Job Utilization
The Job Utilization Report is a custom report designed to print a listing of Jobs displaying estimated and actual amounts for Install Charges, and Job Costs. This report is generated for Jobs with a Sold Date within a particular Date Range. Once t...
Jobs WIP Monthly Audit
This report was designed for a specific SedonaOffice customer according to their specifications.  The purpose of this report is to assist auditing WIP (work-in-process) amounts on Jobs.  Base upon the date range selected by the User, the report prov...
Labor Hours
This is a custom designed report for a specific SedonaOffice customer.  This report is designed to print Labor Hours performed on Jobs and/or Tickets.   Job Labor The hours printed for Job Labor is retrieved from timesheet records on the...
Open Job Notes Report
This is a custom designed report for a specific SedonaOffice customer.  This report is designed to be a snapshot of Notes entered for all Jobs open at the time the report is generated.  Report options include the selection of Branch, Note Type and I...