

Warehouses Overview and Topics
The use of Warehouses is available to SedonaOffice customers who have activated the Stock Tracking option (SedonaSetup/Setup Modules).  An unlimited number of warehouses may be created for the purpose of tracking parts within an individual warehous...
Copy Parts from one Warehouse to Another Warehouse
This option is typically used when setting up a new Technician or Installer Warehouse.  You have the ability to copy the entire parts list from another warehouse into the currently viewed warehouse.  When this option is selected, a list of all activ...
Edit a Warehouse
To edit the setup information of a Warehouse, follow the instructions below. 1.   Navigate to the Inventory module from the Main Application Menu.  Select the Warehouses option within the Inventory menu tree. 2.   The Warehouses list will be displ...
Inactivate a Warehouse
To Inactivate a Warehouse, follow the instructions below. 1.   Navigate to the Inventory module from the Main Application Menu.  Select the Warehouses option within the Inventory menu tree. 2.   The Warehouses list will be displayed.  Highlight th...
Warehouse Explorer
The Warehouse Explorer is used to view the most current information related to a Warehouse.  Transaction history for various functions is viewable and many inventory type transactions may be performed directly from the Warehouse Explorer.  This for...
Warehouse Explorer Tree Options
The Warehouse Tree is used to view transactional history for a warehouse and perform certain functions related to the warehouse.  Some of the menu options have right-click options available; each option and any available right-click options will be ...
Warehouse Setup
To setup a new Warehouse, follow the instructions below. 1.  Navigate to the Inventory module from the Main Application Menu.  Select the Warehouses option within the Inventory menu tree. 2.  The Warehouses list will be displayed.  Click the New b...