Credit Requests


Credit Requests Overview
The Credit Request function allows your company to control the process of when, for whom and for what amount a Credit Memo is generated to a customer account.  When this feature is enabled, your company may develop a sign-off process so that a senio...
Credit Requests Setup
Before creating the employee setups for Credit Requests, it must first be determined how Credit Requests will flow within your organization.  You need to ask yourself the questions, who will be the first, second and third person to sign-off on the r...
SedonaSetup-Credit Requests
Below is a list of the setup tables related to the Credit Request functionality. Invoice Item Invoice Item Type Invoice Description Tax Group Tax Table Category Branch Chart of Accounts Users User Groups Credit Reasons AR Setup Processi...
User Group Security-Credit Requests
There are User Group Security options that control functions related to the Credit Request functionality.  These security options are listed below with a definition of each option. Credit Requests – if the User Group has this option selected, th...
Credit Request Sign-Off Process
Once you have setup your employees, User Group Credit Memo limits and User Group Security options, you may begin using Credit Requests.  This section describes the flow of a Credit Request from the creation of a Credit Request to the final generatio...
Managing Credit Requests
The Credit Request List Once Credit Requests are created, they will remain in the Credit Request List until signed off and a Credit Memo is generated or closed without generating a Credit Memo.  Once the Credit Memo is generated, the Credit Reques...
Close a Credit Request
Close a Credit Request without Generating a Credit Memo If it is determined that a Credit Memo will not be generated for the Credit Request, it may manually be closed by selecting the Closed checkbox located at the lower left of the Credit Request...