

SedonaWeb Overview
A brief overview of SedonaWeb and how it works for your business Changes from SedonaWeb 1.0 to 2.0 SedonaOffice - SedonaWeb Changes from 1.0 to 2.0.pdf ...
SedonaWeb Home Page
The Home Page If the Customer correctly enters their Email Address and Password, their customer home page will be displayed (example below). At the upper right of the home page will display the name of the logged in user. Three panels are display...
SedonaWeb Invoices, Payments, Credit Cards, and Bank Accounts
Invoices Tab Clicking on the Invoices Tab will display a listing of all invoices with an open balance. Invoices are listed beginning with the oldest invoice first. The customer has the ability to drill down into the details of each individual invoi...
SedonaWeb Login
Whether an existing registered customer or a customer whom has just completed the new customer registration, the following steps are the same. At the main login page, type in the UserName (the customer’s registered email address) and password then ...
SedonaWeb Manage Customer Logins
Manage Customer Logins If a subaccount has registered for SedonaWeb, when viewing the master account, you may click on the Settings tab and then select the option, Manage Customer Logins, to view all registered subaccount customers. If the suba...
SedonaWeb Master and Sub Accounts
Master Accounts When a customer is registering their account and they are a Master Account customer (typically a dealer or a national account with many subaccounts), on the home page, the Site Listing tab is replaced by a new tab labeled “Sub Accou...
SedonaWeb New Customer Setup
Register as a new customer Once your customer clicks on the URL provided to your company, the main login page will be displayed. If the customer has not yet registered, they will click on the Register as a new customer link at the lower left of the...
SedonaWeb Service Tickets and Documents
Service Tab When clicking on the Service Tab, one option is available, View Tickets. When clicking on the View Tickets option, customers are able to do the following: View all open tickets View all closed tickets Export the list of tickets to a...
SedonaWeb Settings
Settings Tab When clicking on the Settings Tab, three options are available:  My Account Link New Customer Account Manage Customer Accounts My Account When clicking on the My Account option from the Settings Tab, the customer is able to do t...
Endpoints to call new site/system link/unlink stored procedures
To accommodate integration functionality changes, new stored procedures were added in SedonaOffice to perform the linking and unlinking of sites and systems.   We added new endpoints to call these stored procedures: POST /api/CustomerSite/CSIntegr...