Using Phone Number to Search for Customers Does Not Always Work


When attempting to search for a customer using a billing contact’s phone number, the search does not return the expected results.

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The telephone number search does not search for all contacts.

The query is looking at the Phone 1 and Phone 2 fields in the primary Bill To record.

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It also looks at the phone numbers on the site records.

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Below is a section of the query that is used for the search and it only looks at the primary billing and site records where the customer in not inactive.  

WHERE (cust.Customer_Name <> 'N/A' AND cbill.Is_Primary = 'Y') 

AND (cbill.Phone_1  LIKE '6127101390%'  OR cbill.Phone_2  

LIKE '6127101390%'   

OR sSite.Phone_1  LIKE '6127101390%' 

 OR sSite.Phone_2  LIKE '6127101390%' )

AND (cstat.Customer_Status_Id != 3) AND (cust.Customer_Id > 0)