How to Update Orphaned Transactions

Orphaned transactions should automatically update in a few business days, but if several days go by with no change, use the process below to update the transactions to the proper status.

 1. If there is no trace number, that means the forte did not receive it. Update the trans_status to “READY” and clear any TRANS_MESSAGE using the script below.

update AR_ACH

set Trans_Status = 'READY',

Trans_Message = ''

where Trans_Status LIKE '%ORPHAN%' AND Trace_Number = ''

          Go to step 3.

2. If there is a trace number, provide the number to the customer who will need to look up the status of the transaction in DEX. Update the transaction to reflect the information in DEX.

update AR_ACH

set Trans_Status = '[DEXSTATUS]',

Trans_Message = '[DEXMESSAGE]'

where Trace_Number = '[TRACENUMBER]'

If the status is “Accepted” then go to step 4, else go to step 3.

3. If the transaction has not been accepted, you will need to remove the pending flag from the invoice.

update I

set Has_Pending_EFT = 'N'

from AR_ACh a

join AR_Invoice i on a.Invoice_Id = i.Invoice_Id

where i.Has_Pending_EFT = 'Y' and a.Trans_Status <> 'ACCEPTED'

4. If the transaction has been accepted, you will need to update the payment on the invoice as well as the net_due to reflect the payment was made.

update I

set Payment = Payment + a.Amount,

Net_Due = Net_Due - a.Amount

from AR_ACh a

join AR_Invoice i on a.Invoice_Id = i.Invoice_Id

where i.Has_Pending_EFT = 'Y' and a.Trans_Status = 'ACCEPTED'