Bulk Collection Letters Setup
Bulk Collection Letter Setup is a two-part process; first, the Template Server must be activated, then a list of Template Letters is loaded to the Template Server to be available for selection when setting up new Cancellation Profiles, when editing...
Bulk Collection Letters Overview
SedonaOffice offers a feature that allows a User to create collection letters for one or many customers within a particular collection queue in an automated fashion. This feature uses the functionality within Microsoft Word’s Mail Merge function. ...
Changing a Customer's Collection Status
Users may change a customer’s Collection Status from the Customer Explorer record using one of two methods. Highlight the customer’s Collection Status; right-click and select the Change Collection Status option. Or Highlight the Col...
Collections Overview and Topics
Collecting delinquent customer accounts is a part of everyday business. The SedonaOffice application provides tools to track, manage, and report on customer delinquencies as they occur.
The Collections option within the Client Management ...
Collections Profile Planning
Before setting up any Collection Profiles, it is best to first map out on paper how delinquent customers will be escalated and when, and ask yourself the following questions: · If your company is operating under multiple branches, will collecti...
Collection Profile Setup
Creating a New Collection Profile Once your company has determined the rules to be used for collections, you may begin setting up the Collection Profiles. If only one User is to have access to a Collection Profile and the Collection Que...
Collections Workflow
Below is a simple flow chart of the Collections process. Typically, the activities that occur throughout the collection process are managed according to your company’s policies and procedures. In SedonaOffice, once a customer enters the Collectio...
Concepts and Terminology
The workflow for processing collections customers depends mostly on your company’s internal policies and procedures. The one setup table used in Collections, Collection Status, should be carefully designed to display words to non-collectors an...
Customer Explorer Collection Information
Information entered by Users working in Collection Queues is viewable from the Customer Explorer record. Collections History When highlighting the Collections option from the customer tree, the entire collection history for the customer ...
Delete/Close a Collection Profile
If you want to discontinue use of a Collection Profile, follow the instructions below. 1. From the Client Management module, click on the Collections menu option. 2. Highlight the Collection Profile you want to remove, then click on the ...
Entering Collection Notes from the Customer Explorer
Collection Notes may be entered from a Customer Explorer record for a customer that is currently in one of the Collection Queues. If the customer is not in an active Collection Queue, only a General type note may be entered. 1. Highlight the N...
Mail Merge Bulk Letters
The Select All in Queue function button within a Collection Queue is used when you want to generate a collection letter for every customer in the list. 1. Click the Select All in Queue button; all customer rows will automatically be hi...
Mail Merge Single Letters
The Mail Merge function button within a Collection Queue is used when generating single or bulk collection letters. Single Mail Merge Letters 1. Highlight the customer row in the Collection Queue list for which a letter will be generate...
Refreshing Collection Queues
Before working with a customer in one of the Collection Queues, the Queues should first be “Refreshed”. This process is referred to as the Auto Process Refresh . This process should be run at the beginning of each day. This process uses the r...
Removing a Customer from Collections
If for some reason a User has a need to remove a customer from Collections, this is accomplished from the Collection Queue. The method of removing a customer from collections differs depending upon if the customer is in a Sequenced or Non-Sequence...
Understanding the Collection Queue
This article should be considered required reading for all Users working in Collection Queues. Before working in any Collection Queue, it is important to understand the information displayed in the Collection Queue and the source of that informa...
User Group Security
User Group Security Options For a User to be able to work in the Collection Queues certain security privileges must be granted to the User through the User Group Security options within SedonaSetup. The following User Group Security opt...
Working in a Collection Queue
1. Once the Auto Process Refresh has been completed the User will select the Collection Profile in which they will be working by double-clicking on a Collection Profile within the Collection Profile List. 2. The Collection Queue wi...