Credit Requests


Credit Requests
The Credit Request function allows your company to control the process of when and what amount a Credit Memo is generated to a customer account.  When this feature is enabled, your company will develop a sign-off process so that a senior member of...
User Group Security Options
There are User Group security options that control functions related to the Credit Request functionality.  These security options are listed below with a definition of each option. Credit Requests – Ability to create a Credit Request. Ability t...
Credit Request Planning
Before activating and using Credit Requests, it must first be determined which Users will be allowed to create Credit Requests, which Users will be able to approve Credit Requests and a maximum dollar amount that the User Group is allowed to approv...
Credit Request Activation
Prior to using the Credit Requests functionality the Credit Request Processing Option must be activated in SedonaSetup.   Navigate to the SedonaSetup AR Setup Processing form; on this form is a checkbox labeled Use Credit Request Processing .  S...
Credit Request Set Up
The Credit Reason field automatically becomes a required field that must be selected on the Credit Request form.  Make certain a list of Credit Reasons have been created prior to activating the Credit Request process.  The list of Credit Reas...
Employee Setup
A sign-off process is not required, however is highly recommended in larger companies (refer to the Credit Requests Planning topic). For each employee that will be involved in the Credit Request sign-off process, a selection must be made in the S...
User Group Setup
For each User involved in the Credit Request process that will be able to sign-off the Credit Request, the User must be assigned to a User Group with a Credit Memo Limit set up and User Group security privileges that will allow the User access to ...
Credit Request Sign Off
Once you have setup your employees and User Group Credit Memo limits and User Group security options you may begin using Credit Requests.  This section describes the flow of a Credit Request from the creation of a Credit Request to the final generat...
Create a Credit Request using the Credit Template
When creating a Credit Request using a Credit Template , the User may select any Invoice Item and/or Parts.  The User Group security controls the amounts for which the User will be able to sign-off.  The Credit Template assigns the next invoice num...
Creating a Credit Request for a specific Invoice
A User may enter a Credit Request and specify a particular customer invoice for which a credit memo will be generated.  This may be done for invoices that have or have not been partially paid with a customer payment or a Credit Memo.  For the User t...
Create a Credit Request for Correcting Sales Tax
If a Customer invoice was created using the incorrect Tax Group (user error or preference), you may use the Sales Tax Correction option with Credit Requests.  Using this method, you would select the Invoice, and on the Credit Request form, you would...
Create a Credit Request for a Job Invoice
The process is almost identical to creating a Credit Request for a specific invoice; the only difference is where the User begins the Credit Request. Open the Job record for which a Job Invoice must be credited. Within the Job record, click on th...
Managing Credit Requests
Once Credit Requests are created, they will remain in the Credit Request List until signed off and a Credit Memo is generated or closed without generating a Credit Memo.   Once the Credit Memo is generated, the Credit Request is automatically marked...