General Ledger


SedonaSetup - GL - Overview and Topics
There are several setup tables which control much of the financial functionality of the SedonaOffice application.  Below is a list of all General Ledger Setup Tables and Options. Follow the links below for each General Ledger related setup table. ...
SedonaSetup - GL - Branches
Each Customer and Site record is assigned to a Branch.  A Branch is a means to group your Customer and/or Sites together mainly for financial reporting purposes.  Branches can be used for dividing your Customer and/or Sites geographically, by ac...
SedonaSetup - GL - Categories
The Category table is used to group financial transactions into user-defined categories for reporting purposes.  A Category may be a department within your company, a geographic location, a division of service, or a profit center.  The Category ...
SedonaSetup - GL - Chart of Accounts
The Chart of Accounts is used to track all your financial data.  If you already use an accounting system, you may already have a chart of accounts, or you may wish to discuss this with your CPA prior to setting up this table.  A default chart of...
SedonaSetup - GL - Create Accounting Periods
When at least one Financial Transaction has been created in your database, you cannot change the Accounting Periods.  Please make certain the starting year and starting date are accurate before clicking on the Apply button. Create your Accountin...
SedonaSetup - GL - Define GL Segments and Length
The GL Account Code Length is the only item on this setup form that may be modified.  This is the number of digits all general ledger account numbers must be set.  The Branch and Category GL Code Lengths are fixed values, however if your company...
SedonaSetup - GL - Open Current Accounting Period
All financial transactions posted in SedonaOffice are tied to a transaction date which is associated to a single accounting period.  The accounting period and transaction date are used throughout the system for display and reporting purposes.  Fo...