How to Log SedonaSync v10.0 Errors

When a customer’s SedonaSync application is having problems emailing out event processes, SedonaSync can log the error in a file for review. The report will detail the error. This will allow quicker resolution.

How to Log SedonaSync v10.0 errors.

  1. Login to SedonaSync
  2. Go to Application settings 
  3. Go to Engine Modules
  4. There are 10 records that Log errors. We want to write a log for errors in email delivery.
  5. Go to the Log Level for Email and change the default ERROR settings to INFO

This action will create a file with the description of errors. This will help troubleshoot the email issues. You can use the other Log records with the same method to store errors



The log file can be retrieved by going to the file path shown below