

Inventory Reports Listing
Below is a listing of all Inventory Reports currently available.  Follow the Report Name link below for a definition of the report. Inventory Stock Status Inventory Stock Summary Part ...
Inventory Stock Status
The Inventory Stock Status Report is designed to print a listing of on hand quantities of Inventory Parts as of a particular date.  Quantities are displayed for parts out for repair, parts on order and on-hand parts (parts in stock + parts out for r...
Inventory Stock Summary
The Inventory Stock Summary Report is designed to print a listing Inventory Parts values as of a particular date.  Amounts are printed with totals by Warehouse.  If the option Show Each Product  Line is selected, total part values for each product ...
Part List
The Parts List Report is designed to print a listing of Inventory Parts, Parts marked as Available for Sales (in the Part setup), or Parts marked Available for Service (in the Part Setup - FSU Users only).  The report may be grouped by Product Line ...
Receipt of Goods
The Receipt of Goods Report is designed to print a listing of Purchase Orders received for inventory parts and/or expense items. Once the desired options have been selected on the report options form, click the OK button to display the report in Pr...
Scan Code Sheet
The Scan Code Sheet Report is designed to print bar codes for Branches, Warehouses or Product Lines to be used with bar coding equipment in the warehouse. Once the desired options have been selected on the report options form, click the OK button t...
Stock Labels
The Stock Labels Report is designed to print bar-coded labels for attaching to bins and shelves in a warehouse.  These labels are designed to print on label stock 1" H x 2" W. Once the desired options have been selected on the report options form, ...
Stock Used
The Stock Used Report is designed to print a listing parts issued from or returned to warehouses for a specific period of time.  This report prints the number of parts issued. Once the desired options have been selected on the report options form, ...
Transfer Report
The Transfer Report is designed to print a single part transfer transaction that was performed from a Part Explorer record.   Note: This report does not print transfers made using the Transfer Request option in the Inventory module. Report Selec...