Open Jobs


Edit Job
When highlighting a Job in the Open Jobs area of the Active Pane, and selecting the right-click option of  Edit Job , the Job record will open to the Sales Summary page.  If there are no open Jobs for the customer, no right-click options will be ...
New Job
When highlighting a Job in the Open Jobs area of the Active Pane, and selecting the right-click option of  New Job , a new Job data entry form will open.  If there are no open Jobs for the customer, no right-click options will be available in the...
Open Jobs Overview
Under the  Open Jobs  area of the Active Pane, all open Jobs will be listed.  Double-clicking on an open Job will open the Job record.  When highlighting one of the open Jobs in the Active Pane and right-clicking, there are three options availabl...
Refresh (Jobs in Active Pane)
Selecting the right-click option  Refresh  will update the currently viewed information with any new records created or changed. ...