

SedonaSetup - OP - Overview and Topics
There are several Operations Setup Tables and Options. Click on the links below for detailed information on each perations Setup Tables and Option. Alarm Companies Company Edit Default Vendor Departments Document Type Employees ...
SedonaSetup - OP - Alarm Companies
If your company has an in-house central station that monitors your accounts or if you use one or more outsides sources to monitor your customer systems, you will setup one record for each unique Alarm Company.  Every Customer System record may be...
SedonaSetup - OP - Company Edit
The Company Setup form is only accessible if you have logged into the SedonaOffice application using the Administrator user name. Enter the name of your company, address, phone and fax number; the Phone 1 field is your main company phone number ...
SedonaSetup - OP - Departments
Departments are the functional areas within your company to which employees are assigned.  You may also assign up to two managers to the department.  You must assign a department to each of your employees in the Employee setup table.  The Depart...
SedonaSetup - OP - Default Vendor
The Default Vendor selected in this form will be the Vendor defaulted into the Vendors form on Parts setup as the Primary Vendor for the part. ...
SedonaSetup - OP - Document Type
If your company has purchased and will be using SedonaDocs, you may attach documents to a customer, site, system, job, service ticket, vendor, employee setup, or to the company general documents.  When adding a new document, you must select a doc...
SedonaSetup - Employee Setup: Payroll, Commissions
Employees are used to link to other setup tables and to activate certain features of the software.  It is recommended that you use alpha characters for the Employee Code field rather than using an employee number.  The Employee Code is displayed ...
SedonaSetup - OP - Geographic Tables
The Geographic Tables are used to add or edit City, State and Zip Code information.  The SedonaOffice database delivered to your company is pre-populated with all the city/state/zip code combinations that were in effect with the United States Po...
SedonaSetup - OP - Note Type
When entering a new note on a Job record, the Note Type is a required field; you must make a selection from a drop-down list to classify the type of note being entered.  You may create as many Note Types as needed. Notes:  1) There are certain N...
SedonaSetup - OP - Printer Setup
Default printers must be setup in order to print any of the items specified in this form.  This can be customized at each User’s workstation.  The checkbox Print Company Letter Head should be selected if you want your company name and address to...
SedonaSetup - OP - User Groups
A User Group is a means to grant individual Users privileges to certain functions and features within the SedonaOffice application.  User groups are usually created for various departments who will need access to different modules depending on th...
SedonaSetup - OP - Users
Setting up a Users is a two-step process.  First you will create the User record, and then you will assign the User to one or more User Groups.  The User Group will determine which modules and which functions within each module to which the User...