Sales Management


Prospects/Opportunities Flow Chart
Below is the typical data flow when using Prospects and Opportunities. Below is the typical data flow when using Prospects and QuoteWerks. ...
Sales Management Overview and Topics
The Sales Management modules provides tools for tracking sales leads and the dollar values that have been quoted by using Prospects and Opportunities.  The Prospect is the person or business to whom a Salesperson trying to sell a system or services...
SedonaSetup-Sales Management
Below is a list of the setup tables and options impacting Sales Management.  Refer to SedonaSetup in this help for details on each setup table and option listed below. Competitors Event Type Lead Source Quote Type Resolutions Sales Department...
User Group Security-Sales Management
For a User to be able to use various options within the Sales Management module, certain security privileges must be granted to the User through the User Group Security options within SedonaSetup.  The following User Group Security options located w...