Labor Costs


Labor Costs Overview and Topics
Labor costs are applied to a Job when using one or a combination Timesheet Entry methods.  Posting hours to a Job through timesheet data entry will apply a particular cost per hour to the Job depending on your company Job Setup choices.  If your co...
Automated Timesheets from Dispatch
If scheduling Installers to work on Jobs using the SedonaSchedule, your company has the option of automatically generating a Job Timesheet when the Dispatch times are completed for the Job appointment.  If opting to automatically generate Job Timesh...
Bulk Timesheets
Labor hours and dollars may be applied to Jobs by using the Timesheet option from the Job Management module.  When using this method, timesheets are entered into a batch for all Installers and all Jobs then the batch is posted to the Jobs at one tim...
Job Timesheets
Labor hours and dollars may be applied to Jobs by opening a Job record and entering the Timesheet.  Timesheets may be entered on a daily basis, at the end of a work week or a pay period; this depends on what your company finds the most practical to ...
Negative Timesheets
It may be necessary to reduce, increase or remove Labor costs  from a Job to correct a previous timesheet entry where labor was posted to the incorrect Job, dispatch times were entered incorrectly or a manual timesheet was entered incorrectly.  If ...
Payroll Timesheets
Payroll Timesheets are typically used if your company is creating an export file for your entire company payroll to send to ADP or Paycomm payroll processing companies.  Your company may use the Payroll Timesheets method without using the export fun...