Tools Toolbar


Tools Toolbar Overview and Topics
The Tools toolbar is comprised of several functions buttons, most of which are used by Users in the Installation department of your company; Log, Notes, Invoicing, Issue Parts, Journal Entry, Map, Purchase Orders, Documents, Phases, and Part Reconci...
Tools Toolbar-Documents
The Documents form is used to view or attach new electronic files to the Job.  The SedonaDocs add-on module must be purchased to be able to use this option. ...
Tools Toolbar-Invoicing
Selecting the Invoicing button from the Tools Toolbar will display all Invoices and Credit Memos generated for the Job.  Users with appropriate permissions may double-click on an Invoice or Credit Memo to view the details. ...
Tools Toolbar-Issue Parts
Selecting the Issue Parts button from the Tools Toolbar will display a list of all parts issued to or returned to stock for the Job.  Parts may be issued to the Job using this form.  Parts may also be returned to stock using this form, if the p...
Tools Toolbar-Journal Entry
The Journal Entry form is used to create a General Ledger Journal Entry for the Job.  This button is only displayed on the Tools Toolbar for Users with the appropriate security permissions. ...
Tools Toolbar-Log
Selecting the Log button from the Tools Toolbar will display all data entry activity for the Job by all Users.  The entries in this list are automatically recorded by the application.  This is the Job audit trail record.  If you are trying to find o...
Tools Toolbar-Notes
Selecting the Notes button from the Tools Toolbar will display all notes previously entered for the Job and is used to enter new Job notes.  Notes entered into this form are also viewable from the Customer Explorer under the Job Notes notes fol...
Tools Toolbar-Parts Reconcile
The Part Reconcile form was designed to be used as a tool for users who are preparing to close a Job, to determine whether all parts that were required on the Job have been issued to the Job.  When viewing the Part Reconcile form, the total cou...
Tools Toolbar-Phases
Job Phases was designed primarily as a tool for Job resource planning; Labor and Materials.  Job Phases are also used to determine which billable charges may be invoiced and when.    When creating a new Job, Phases are assigned to individual parts o...
Tools Toolbar-Purchase Orders
The Purchase Orders form is used to create Purchase Orders for the parts contained on the Job Materials List.  You may also view any previously created Purchase Orders for the Job. To create a Purchase Order, place the mouse in the white area of t...