Write Checks


Write a Check to a Non-Vendor
Follow the instructions below to Write a Check to a Company or individual that has not been set up as a Vendor.  When using this method, only the Expense tab is available.  The Bills and Parts tabs are dimmed-out and cannot be used. 1. Navigate to ...
Write a Check to a Vendor for Expense Items
Follow the instructions below to Write a Check to a Vendor for Expense Items. 1. Navigate to the Main Application Menu and select Accounts Payable/Write Checks.  2. The Write Checks form will be displayed. 3. Pay From Bank Account - select the ba...
Write a Check to a Vendor for Parts
Follow the instructions below to Write a Check to a Vendor for Inventory Parts. 1. Navigate to the Main Application Menu and select Accounts Payable/Write Checks.  2. The Write Checks form will be displayed. 3. Pay From Bank Account - select the ...
Write a Check to a Vendor and Select Bills
Follow the instructions below to Write a Check to a Vendor for Bills already entered. Note:   If the Vendor has available Credits to use, they cannot be applied using the Write Checks function - you must use the Pay Bills function to apply credits...
Write Checks Overview and Topics
SedonaOffice Office provides the functionality to write and print checks utilizing the Write Checks function within the Accounts Payable module. The Write Checks function is used when it is need to write one or just a few checks without using the Pa...